Incomplete Thoughts on Romantic Love

“I love you”

You’ve said such words before. Meant them! With fervor. And depth. Your head and your heels have been inverted so often, it’s a wonder you aren’t permanently dizzy.


Before, when you thought you understood it.

It felt both swift and dangerous. It made you giddy and squeezed your heart. It felt warm and painful.

And you were sure, positive! That you knew its extent.

The possibility of love. A wider thing than any you’d known, but tinged, touched, colored by reality. Love the wonderful, yes. But also love the painful, the practical, the distant, the destructive, to name a few.

You have felt it change. Each time there is something new, it shows you love is larger than what you thought. Each time you are astonished. Each time you have thought, surely this is it! There can be no more! And yet again you are surprised.

There is no conclusion. How can anyone say what love is when it won’t hold still?

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