Dreams of what stuff/white stuff

Another dream I just felt like recording:
I am walking down the street when I see a daycare child of mine, Kiara. She is with two friends but no adults are around. She sees me and yells ‘Tracey!’ then asks if I want to meet her mother. We walk to her house to discover that her mother is really someone else’s mother and she is not Kiara at all. So I’ve met a new friend and her mother. She asks me if I want to rock the baby and I do, only the baby keeps changing into a 14 year old kid on my lap. It is fairly distracting. The mom says he’s just doing that to get me to rock him to sleep. He wants a bottle too. We hang around the house for a while and I eventually lose the baby but no one notices. Then it is dinner time- oh didn’t you know you are invited to dinner? And your parents too. We all sit down and talk about burgers and hotdogs and outdoor grills when a bunch of other people walk in. They are teachers like the mom is and they were invited to dinner first. We are eating their food. Actually everyone is almost done except me who hasn’t really touched the food. We all get up guiltily and leave. I’m the only one who didn’t eat.

I don’t know what happens next but eventually I’m dreaming again about snow this time. I am a car shaped like a person running along in snow. I am lost and climbing a very big hill to turn around at the top. I see something white hidden in the snow and believe it to be drugs, so I hightail it back down the hill and over a little side road. I am totally freaked out that two cars following me will hit me, then suddenly I realize they are my chaperones and are there to protect me. They join me and suddenly become a guy who is my chaperone, but not in a romantic way. I get the feeling he is hired to accompany me and help me stay out of trouble, or not get lost. (I do get lost a good deal in real life) We enter a building and I say, “Take my hand. Now look in my eyes.” He says, “No I couldn’t. I don’t want to cause any trouble at home.” I think I wanted to see his eyes to get an idea if he was true to protecting me and if he could be trusted. But I am touched that he is concerned not to lead me on and I instantly trust him based on this. We enter a room full of dancing people in evening-wear. He and I are also now in evening-wear. The hostess comes up to me and says, “How did you get in here?” I say, “Um I didn’t know I wasn’t supposed to.” I take her by the waist and say, “Lets dance!” She seems surprised but does not protest and dances with me as the gent- that is I’m leading but the arms are wrong so she should be leading. She looks lovely in a clean white gown. I believe I am wearing white too but do not stop to look down and find out. She professes to be tired and goes away. I dance on my own for a minute and another lady in white comes up to me. “Lost your partner?” She says and we dance together. This time I get the arms right. We go around the floor once total and I say, “I was dancing with the hostess but she left I guess.” My partner says, “Don’t let her fool you. She never wanted to dance with you. See there she is.” Indeed my hostess is talking with snobby looking friends and ignoring me as we twirl by. I also catch sight of my chaperone who is at the punch bowl watching me carefully, but trying to look nonchalant. I realize how much I appreciate having him there. Then I wake up.

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