Somebody’s Something

I have a collection of things had by people and what they all mean:

Russells’s Teapot
To illustrate a point he was making about the existence of god, a dude named Russell said that there is a teapot in space between Mars and Earth which orbits the sun. It is too small to be detected by our best telescopes. Because it would be hard to prove wrong, do you believe him?

Occam’s Razor
Occam’s Razor is a way of looking at a problem with multiple solutions (or a question with multiple answers). It is the idea that the best explanation for something is the one that’s the least complicated, so that’s one we should be using until we get information that says otherwise. Doctors use this with patients, looking for the most obvious illness matching the symptoms, before testing for more uncommon problems.

Schroedinger’s Cat
Schroedinger’s Cat is trapped in a box with a mechanism to kill it. The mechanism may or may not have gone off yet, so the cat is both alive and dead. Schroedinger’s Cat is a metaphor for an electron in superposition. If the electron has an equally likely chance of being in either of two positions, it’s actually in both.

Godwin’s Law
Godwin’s Law is an idea that says- the longer a heated debate rages, the more likely a reference to Hitler will be used. This could also be stated that any argument gone long enough will eventually reference Hitler.

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