Thought I would belatedly review the movie Avatar. I saw it around Christmas in 3-D but not imax. After watching it I felt as if I had seen two movies rolled into one; one extremely awesome movie and one really terrible movie. I shall explain! Visually this movie was amazingly good. The flora and fauna of the world created for this movie were exotic and magical. Someone had to think of all the flying, running, growing, hair-bonding creatures and someone else had to bring them to life. I salute you both (well, several). Also the CGI was incredibly smooth. At the beginning of the movie when you first see an avatar standing there looking alive, I actually asked Dan if it was a makeup job. The 3-D was good, much less in-your-face-y and more reach-out-and-touch-y. Now on to the second movie in there. The plot was pretty much a total waste. It was predictable: Fern Gully plus Pocahontas. Some parts were long and boring, other parts were long and violent. Also, the good versus evil was way too clearcut for me. They gave no redeeming qualities to the ‘bad guy’, made no attempt to make him seem human. Don’t get me wrong, I like clearcut good vs. evil- in movies like Disney cartoons. But the more realistic a movie gets, the more fleshed out the characters should be. And for my final peeve about the movie, think about this. When the Navi first try to fight the humans, their spears do not penetrate the glass of their vehicles or compound. Later when there are more of them, those same spears (still thrown one at a time!) somehow shatter glass…
You’d think with so much attention to detail in other aspects of the movie someone would have caught something like this.