So I have a tiny baby niece. She is not just tiny, but teensy weensy. She was born prematurely and needs alot of help including a ventilator. So far she’s done nothing but grow and get stronger, so we are all really happy about that. We have a funny story about her from maybe a month ago. Apparently she decided she’d had enough of her breathing tube and went ahead and pulled it out. It’s not like the thing wasn’t taped in place. And her arms are so super tiny, it’s amazing how strong she had to be to get ahold of the tube and get it out. Well this made everyone a little nervous, however she was actually breathing on her own. Eventually the tube was put back in because she needed the assistance. She probably just wanted to prove herself to all of us. Go baby!
Another of my nieces is 1 and 1/2 years old. We tried to get her to say Uncle Dan, but it was too hard. Then she figured out that she could say, “Uncle.” So that’s the story of how we made my niece say uncle.