Dan got the best fun new game on his iphone. It a supposed to take dictation. It doesn’t work for me. Here are some famous speeches I spoke, as interpreted by the phone. I think they read like beat poems:
Send Roman and let me. Are you crazy here? But the Berry Farm free animal man,
LOL all I have on.
(from Julius Caesar commemoration speech)
Jimmy or not to be, that is the question. Is no learning. Mind things and I think.
It’s working or take find oppose the mall.
Something- and I’m running them all together as a good.
(from Hamlet’s ‘to be or not to be’ speech)
What I midnight here in my life? Hundred-week and we are you.
Remaining quaint and curious, mind,
I forgot to call her and I’m not a nearly-nothing. Send me there.
Can you think I just gently nothing? Pressing in my chamber door.
(from Poe’s The Raven)
R. where find out are tonight? At father in a few.
Tiny or fellow- love you. I love Milinovich.
(from Juliet’s ‘Romeo, Romeo’ speech)
Xbox, live like you’re younger.
When you break into east -and drink at the right. 67 Killian.
Business with any Taylor,
beginning and ending.
(from Romeo’s ‘But soft what light’ speech)