Camden chose the shot glass

Dan’s family has this tradition for one year old babies in which they are offered four items. The one they grab first reveals their future. If they pick the pen it means they will be a scholar. The coin indicates wealth. The rosary indicates a religious life, and the shot glass means they will be a drunk. We decided to play this game at our friend’s baby’s first birthday party. And yes, baby Camden chose the shot glass. She didn’t just bat at it either. She took it with both hands and chugged the imaginary contents. Oh, her poor parents.

In retrospect this is probably more the result of the fact that she was in a highchair. She probably thought we were playing a game called “which item goes best with sitting in the highchair?” Camden, being the smart baby she is, knew that you don’t use a coin, beads, or a pen while in a highchair. You use a glass like a big kid…
like a big, 21 year-old kid.

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